Wednesday, May 30, 2012

By the Beautiful Sea!

After seeing Annie Kelly's new book -Rooms to Inspire by the Sea,  I am obsessed with airy beach decor!
There are so many beautiful ocean front homes and decor I was inspired to search for ones that I love! Of course several where from Annie's Book, which is filled with several Seaside homes designed by various top designers. I have the original Rooms to Inspire by Annie and I love It! So I was certain this book would be amazing as well, and I was right!  I have included several photos from her book as well as others that I love from Pinterest, etc! Enjoy!
I love this!! What fun from Annie Kelly's new book!

Annie Kelly

Annie Kelly, no clutter here!!!

Annie Kelly

Lux Interiors

My Pinterest.. Phoebe Howard

Pinterest, I love this and could definitely see this style in a fantastic beach home.

Phoebe Howard

My Pinterest, Phoebe Howard.

Love the unexpected sharp tones of darks and lights for a cool beach bedroom!-Pinterest.

Formal, but the colors are like water!!!

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful images you have shared today!
    Happy Wednesday.


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